速報APP / 生活品味 / Smart Home

Smart Home





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本


Smart Home(圖1)-速報App

It is the software of smart home system of “Imperium”, it manages all of the smart home components such as:

· Lights (on/off and dimming)

· RGB, color strips and smart strips

· Home appliances by IR including air condition

· Sound systems

Smart Home(圖2)-速報App

· Security systems

· Cameras and CCTV

· Garden management system

· Many other special functions

If you are a current customer please use the supplied data to connect your software with your smart home system, for guests who want to check the capability of the software we’ve added a “demo” mode that will allow you to check most of our features as if it is already connected to a real home, you can easily switch from “demo” mode to “real” application once you purchase any of our system components.

Smart Home(圖3)-速報App

You can contact us on: smarthome@amlakalkhaleej.com

Smart Home(圖4)-速報App